If you’re interested in ways to increase your metabolism and burn calories more efficiently {who isn’t?}, you’ll be glad you’re here. Because today at Faux Sho, we’ve got info on the best calorie-burning tips out there. Do you realize that there are metabolism-boosting foods that make it easier to burn calories and lose fat? It’s true. Adding the following foods to your daily intake will help you boost your metabolism and burn calories more readily. And we can use all the metabolism boosting power we can get!
Can certain foods really burn more calories?
Yes! Certain foods contain very specific nutrients, such as protein, that are known metabolism-boosters. The body’s metabolism is how it burns calories for energy. This is also how it carries out other necessary functions that you need to live from day-to-day. If we boost our metabolic rate, we can increase the rate at which we burn calories, and lose unwanted pounds and inches. Boosting your metabolism also lessens the likelihood of obesity and other negative health issues.
What are the best foods to burn more calories?
The best foods to boost your metabolism and burn calories include a lot of readily available foods you may not have thought of adding to your gut-busting arsenal. You might be surprised by some of them! Here they are, in no particular order:
It’s no secret that eggs are rich in protein and low in calories. That’s a winning combination when it comes to boosting your metabolism! One egg contains over 6 grams of protein, and only 70 calories. But why does protein burn calories? Because the body uses more energy to digest protein than it does for fat or carbohydrates. In one study, people who consume nearly 30% of their daily calories from protein have higher metabolic rates than those whose diet includes less than 15% protein.
Water + lemon
It’s not technically a “food,” but water is one of the best ways to increase your metabolism and burn calories. And if you add some fresh lemon to your water every day, you can boost your metabolism even more. The best way to do this is to drink 1-2 glasses of lemon water before every meal. Pick up some True Lemon at Amazon to make it even easier!
Leafy greens
Dark, green leafy vegetables burn calories because of their inherent iron content. Iron is essential for healthy metabolic function. When you’re getting enough from your diet, your metabolism is naturally more efficient. These leafy greens also have a healthy amount of magnesium, another mineral that boosts your metabolism.
Ginger is a natural metabolism booster. This tuber commonly used as a spice serves to increase your body temperature, and that in turn increases metabolism and burns calories. It also helps to increase healthy cholesterol level. Ginger is an effective anti-inflammatory. There are lots of great reasons to include more ginger in your diet!
More foods that burn calories
Besides the foods listed above, include more lean proteins, broccoli, flax seeds and nuts in your diet. All are metabolism boosters and help you burn calories and lose unwanted weight. Need more help calculating your calories? Check out my post on a user-friendly calorie calculator!
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